
Posts Tagged ‘spring’

Welcome Spring!

Here in Maryland we have had a very serious winter this year. One snow storm after another pounded the land of unsuspected inhabitants. The first snow was a most glorious sight! From our windows we marveled at the purity of the white blanket that covered the landscape around us. Soon however, we became tired of this beauty and are now longing for spring.

There is still snow on the ground, where in the past, at this time of year, the daffodils were already nodding to the soft breezes of spring.
In Maja’s Viennese Kitchen…… I have been busy with various activities these past two months, some that needed serious continuation from last year and others that are new and exciting.

Last year I started attending a writing class at Notre Dame /Renaissance Institute to improve my writing skills. It has been a wonderful experience with other writers discussing and editing my stories that I am preparing to compile into a memoir cookbook.

I am hoping to have a book published by the end of this year. But, not only have I worked with these wonderful ladies, but have had great and continuous help from my daughter-in-law who is an excellent editor and corrects my writing but never distorts my writing voice. Writing this book has been such great pleasure and is a most stimulating experience for me.

The most recent exciting occurrence happened when I was asked to teach cooking classes at the Williams-Sonoma Store. It has been a great experience and really fun. Since this store is practically in my neighborhood, only 15 minutes away from my home, it is most convenient.

My first class was all about German/Austrian recipes; it was about Kraut…..cabbage!

The recipes that are presented in these cooking classes all come from Williams-Sonoma Cookbooks, however since Williams-Sonoma does not have any Kraut recipes in their cookbooks I was asked to pull out some of mine.
The three recipes that I taught were Wiener Schnitzel, Sauerkraut, and a Sautéed Red Cabbage with various sausages.

Everyone loved my grandmother’s Austrian creamed Sauerkraut and sautéed red cabbage, both with apples to tone down the harshness of the cabbage.
The Wiener Schnitzel was served right out of the hot pan and was still sizzling while being placed on the plates for tasting.

I love teaching at Williams-Sonoma……it is a beautiful store. I feel like a child in a candy store with all the wonderful kitchen and table merchandise.

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